Your company clearly knows how to aggregate the cash for a fund. Now you have been tasked with figuring out how to best invest it. So, the question is what do you do now that you have all that cash? Well apparently, half the Private Equity world believes you should invest in car washes. We’ve been fielding phone calls, emails and visits from the Private Equity sector for several years now. There is a lot of excitement in the car wash sector – both the supply side and retail side – and you are thinking you want a piece of it?
Because of our expertise and specialized capabilities, we are the “go-to” resource for Private Equity, Venture Capital, and consolidating firms. Pit Stop Consulting can help you to take the sophisticated, data savvy research you are accustomed to, and combine it with the real world of washing cars. Undoubtedly your extensive and quantitative analysis has shown some positive indicators about car washing or you wouldn’t have come this far. The herd is heading toward car washes, but the question is, should you.
You need:
- Comprehensive knowledge base
- Detailed information on the seemingly simple subject matter (it’s just washing cars; how hard can it be?)
- Market / Competitive Analysis – What could possibly “Blockbuster” this industry? Are there technologies that might reduce the viability this investment? Where are the other players making mistakes, and how can we avoid them?
- Deal Development – What you don’t buy may be more important than what you do – let us use our 50+ years of combined experience to help you avoid the landmines
- Due Diligence – We help investors by assessing risk, identifying unrealized revenue growth, and potential cost cutting opportunities of target sites
- Post-Acquisition – We’ve owned and operated every type of car wash from coast to coast and internationally
- Exit Strategy – We help investors and owner / operators maximize their return by improving EBITDA, planning the exit, proper valuation, and executing the proper strategies
You have questions. We have (most of) the answers. We don’t have a crystal ball, but we can offer experienced logical answers. You need the support and insight of professionals that can accurately assess the risks and value of a target site utilizing more than a P&L.
Pit Stop Consulting empowers Private Equity to make informed decisions. Give us a call and let’s see how we can help you succeed.
Contact us for more info or give us a call 877-PITSTOP (748-7867)